Hi guys, this is a quick update just to let you know that I decided to make a Patreon again. I made one a few months ago but I deleted it before really telling anyone about it as I didn’t quite feel right about asking people for money in order to support me and the site. I still feel a bit strange about using Patreon but I feel like it can be a good way to expand this site quicker by allowing me more time to work on blog posts/videos and thus help more people to learn languages quicker. That’s my goal after all.
After being through the process and seeing what works and what doesn’t, it pains me to see bad advice in the top 10 search results when you type in “how to learn languages”, and I want to try and change that. Of course, I don’t expect to be able to get on the front page of google for such a heavily searched keyword but I think that I can get a decent amount of people to this site and then hopefully point people in the right direction to where they need to be going. So yeah, if you think my content and this cause is worth supporting then please check out my Patreon where I will be putting up extra content as well as putting up normal content earlier.
Click here to support me on Patreon
Thanks for the continued support everyone! 🙂
2018/04/21Here are some of my favorite tools and sites for learning Japanese
Thank you for reading this blog post, which I hope you found useful for learning Japanese. Here are some of the most useful websites that I’ve found for finding Japanese content to use for immersion as well as some really useful learning tools to help you through your Japanese studies. Some of these are affiliate links which just means that if you decide to use these sites by clicking the following links, then I will earn a commission. But honestly speaking, these are the sites that I use and recommend language learners, even my friends, to use anyway.
Anki Tools: To get started, I really like Migaku for Anki. By itself, Anki is already a super useful tool for language learners but Migaku allows for integration with websites like YouTube and Netflix, allowing it’s users to create flashcards from the shows and videos that they are watching, as they are watching them. If you use my link you can get an extra month for free.
Speaking Practice: For this I absolutely love iTalki. There are thousands of Japanese teachers on the platform that are available at all times of the day to have conversations with you, in Japanese. Some teachers take a more traditional approach while others are just there to chat, these are the ones I would recommend if you are looking to improve your conversational Japanese. Lessons start from just $5 and there’s no long term commitment, I highly recommend them.
Immersion: I’ve used a lot of different earphones / headphones over the years but by far the one that has come out on top is the NENRENT S570. This is a singular in-ear earphone that matches your skin tone to keep it discrete, meaning you can listen to the language you are learning while at work, or school. For a full list of tools and gadgets I recommend for maximizing your immersion time, check out this blog post.