Adding Furigana to Japanese in Anki

If you’re looking to use Anki as one of your main forms of studying Japanese then you’ve certainly made a good choice. There are a few things you will need Continue reading

remembering the kanji tips - writing kanji

Skipping Unnecessary Kanji – Remembering the Kanji Tips

Remembering the Kanji Tips – Skipping is Good for You For a complete guide on learning kanji via Remembering the Kanji, check out my ultimate guide that has everything you Continue reading

Language Learning Goals Template (AJATT)

Goals are essential when learning a language. Template downloads can be found near the bottom of the post. If you have been following my blog then you may have read Continue reading

ready player one

Learn Japanese with Poop and Ready Player One! Japanese Book Reviews #2

Click here for the previous installment of Japanese Book Recommendations. I’ve spent the past 3 weeks in Sapporo, Hokkaido and from my first hand experience I can honestly say that Japan Continue reading

Translations are Powerful

Translations of your favourite media could be one of the most powerful resources when it comes to language learning I had a thought the other day about translations. A vast Continue reading



This post is also available in English.   効率的にフラッシュカードを作る方法 先日フラッシュカードの作成方法について動画を作ったが、このブログ内ではまだ多くの人に伝える事が充分に出来ていないのではないかと思った。

Easing into a Language – A Simple Hack

Your emotions are the most likely cause that you will give up on a language A lot of people seem to have issues with getting started learning a language or Continue reading

Learning Japanese Entry #8 Habits, Efficiency and Dropping Classes

This is entry 8 of my Learning Japanese Diary via the AJATT method. As always, the entry I made during the time of writing is below and after the entry I will Continue reading

how to learn english


英語を話せるようになるにはどうすればよいだろうか? This post is also available in English.  一年半以上、毎日一日中、英語でなにかをやることが最も大事なことだと思う。いわゆるImmersionってやつだね。


How to Make SRS Sentence Flashcards Quickly and Efficiently

How to Make Sentence Flashcards Quickly この投稿は日本語でもご覧いただけます。 I made a video tutorial a while back on making sentence flashcards and I realised that probably not everyone here on the blog Continue reading