Sentence Mining Languages with Migaku and Anki | Full Guide to Migaku

Migaku is probably the best language learning tool/addon for Anki. Not only does it seamlessly synchronize with your Anki software to keep track of words you know, but it also Continue reading

Free PDF download of 1000 basic Japanese words

Basic Japanese Words List and English Meaning | Japanese Vocabulary List With Translation and Romaji PDF

Free PDF download of 1000 basic Japanese words Scroll further down the page to find the download for the PDF. Okay, so the other day I generated the most common Continue reading

500 Most Common Anime Words

500 Most Common Words in Anime | Learn to Speak Japanese With Anime

Learn Japanese Through Anime With This List of The Most Common Anime Words When I started learning Japanese I discovered the 80/20 principle and found out that the most common Continue reading



This post is also available in English.   効率的にフラッシュカードを作る方法 先日フラッシュカードの作成方法について動画を作ったが、このブログ内ではまだ多くの人に伝える事が充分に出来ていないのではないかと思った。


How to Make SRS Sentence Flashcards Quickly and Efficiently

How to Make Sentence Flashcards Quickly この投稿は日本語でもご覧いただけます。 I made a video tutorial a while back on making sentence flashcards and I realised that probably not everyone here on the blog Continue reading


Best Japanese Anki Decks

High Quality Japanese Anki Decks As I have spoken about before, Sentence Banks had one of the biggest impacts for me while learning Japanese. During my hardcore phase of learning Continue reading

「成人なら20個読める?」 『た』から始まる漢字30個、正解率は?

Making Sentence Mining Super Easy with Sentence Banks

I have mentioned the idea of Sentence Banks before in a few posts. In this post I will explain to you what this concept is, how it will benefit you Continue reading

Learning Japanese 18 Months Update – Am I Fluent?

This blog post accompanies the video I put up on YouTube for my 18 months update video. If you haven’t already seen it then you can via the link below↓ Continue reading

Japanese Garden with Bridge

Learning Japanese Entry #6 Anime Success, Kanji Trouble and Heisig

Introduction This is entry 6 of my Learning Japanese Diary via the AJATT method. As always, the entry I made during the time of writing is below and after the Continue reading

Mt Fuji

Learning Japanese Entry #5 Vocab Lists, Mini Victories and Introducing Sentence Banks

Introduction Here’s entry number 5! As always I will discuss what I believe was and was not useful, after the main entry. This entry was still very early on in Continue reading