

This post is also available in English.   効率的にフラッシュカードを作る方法 先日フラッシュカードの作成方法について動画を作ったが、このブログ内ではまだ多くの人に伝える事が充分に出来ていないのではないかと思った。

how to learn english


英語を話せるようになるにはどうすればよいだろうか? This post is also available in English.  一年半以上、毎日一日中、英語でなにかをやることが最も大事なことだと思う。いわゆるImmersionってやつだね。


How to Make SRS Sentence Flashcards Quickly and Efficiently

How to Make Sentence Flashcards Quickly この投稿は日本語でもご覧いただけます。 I made a video tutorial a while back on making sentence flashcards and I realised that probably not everyone here on the blog Continue reading

Matt’s take on 10,000 Sentences in a Month

10,000 Sentences in just 1 Month Doable? Yes. A good idea? Definitely not. You may have already read the guest post from a friend of mine, which is why I am Continue reading

10,000 Flashcards in One Month (Guest Post)

And why you shouldn’t do 10,000 flashcards in one month Guest post by a fellow language learner who is also studying German. So I just finished absorbing over 10,000 German flashcards and Continue reading