The World’s Greatest (and Free) Language Learning Resource (Listening)
The Best Language Learning Resource It is said that in this day and age that nothing is free anymore. Well what if I told you that’s a lie.. kinda. People Continue reading
A Blog About Learning Japanese
The Best Language Learning Resource It is said that in this day and age that nothing is free anymore. Well what if I told you that’s a lie.. kinda. People Continue reading
This blog post accompanies the video I put up on YouTube for my 18 months update video. If you haven’t already seen it then you can via the link below↓ Continue reading
Introduction This is entry 6 of my Learning Japanese Diary via the AJATT method. As always, the entry I made during the time of writing is below and after the Continue reading
Introduction Here’s entry number 5! As always I will discuss what I believe was and was not useful, after the main entry. This entry was still very early on in Continue reading